Cytus Wiki

CookiesNWaffles CookiesNWaffles 27 November 2015

Cytus Wikia Championships: Possible Songs

Well... Since the days for CWC are closing in, GZJ and I decided that we could give yall an insight of what songs are highly likely to be chosen for CWC2015. If you participants are positive on this idea, I'll post the list of songs here. But if you guys prefer leaving it till the last minute to prevent prior practice for a more fair competition, I'll discard this idea.

What do you participants think? Take your stand! :>

Poly CNW, Polygon of Cookies and Waffles (talk)

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CookiesNWaffles CookiesNWaffles 2 October 2015

Too much to explain...

... Well, it probably took too long for me to realize something.

I forgot to explain my hiatus from long ago. Now that exams are over (YAY), I remembered the wikia. You guys. I felt that it would be terrible that I left due to schedules and not telling you guys at all so here's my word.

Yep, I forgot this wikia with homework, other TV programmes and finals in mind. Occasionally I came back to check on the Wikia chat but only a few people or none, were there. I probably went in too late. Don't worry, I didn't forget to get a weekly dose of Cytus.

I found out I had many unfinished blogs and plans for the wikia. An example might be the ACHC. I really had no idea what to do with it, so I delayed its progress to July. Then we discussed it for some…

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CookiesNWaffles CookiesNWaffles 5 April 2015

Cookies... Fading? NO! Q AND A AGAIN

I feel like blogs are receiving less response than usual... Or is it the school life again? But you know what. Imma do a Q&A again. Ask me anything! I'll put all my questions and answers from the past till now, here when the time comes.

I'll allow a bit a personal stuff. Don't expect identities, locations and stuff like that from me though. You can ask questions like "Has Cytus impacted your life?" Or sorts like that.


Questions from Mentholzzz:

1. Favorite songs? -I don't know. I have a lot these days. Like Halcyon, like Parousia, like L, like Holy Knight... That sorts.

2. Origin of my username? -I originally had a username Poly Terra. It was a fusion of my usernames in VC, Po…

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CookiesNWaffles CookiesNWaffles 28 March 2015

The Stream!

Feel free to join! 

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CookiesNWaffles CookiesNWaffles 27 March 2015

Level 9 Standards...

Well... Gonna revive this template thingy.

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